Advanced Tools - Set Employee ESS Portal Permissions in Bulk

HR Partner has housekeeping routines for changes made within the Employee Records feature. These routines can make updates and rectify the system changes you’ve made, including the specific purpose of setting your employees' ESS Portal permissions in bulk to save you time.

You can use our housekeeping routines by going to Setup > Tools > Advanced. Then, look for the section with the heading 'Employee Record Updates'.

Set Employee ESS Portal Permissions in Bulk

This housekeeping routine allows you to set individual employee portal permissions for multiple employees at once. You can make changes to ESS portal permissions across all employees, or specific departments, positions, locations, or employee status.

To use this tool, select the 'See Options' button for 'Set Employee ESS Portal Permissions in Bulk'.

When to Use This Tool

This is a great tool to utilize if you are needing to make ESS portal permissions in bulk across all your employees or for specific employee categories. For example, you currently have the time off and leave permissions allowed across all of your employees, but you want this to only be available for your full-time employees, not your contractors. You could then use this housekeeping routine to make this change for your contract employees when selecting 'Employement Status' to select employees by, and choosing your contractors (as long as you've created them as an employment status in your Categories).