Advanced Tools - Reformat Employee Full Name Display

HR Partner has housekeeping routines for changes made within the Employee Records feature. These routines can make updates and rectify the system changes you’ve made, including the specific purpose of reformatting your employees' full name display.

You can use our housekeeping routines by going to Setup > Tools > Advanced. Then, look for the section with the heading 'Employee Record Updates'.

Reformat Employee Full Name Display

HR Partner gives you customizable options for your employees' full name displays (you can learn more about Display & Interface settings here), allowing you to choose how names are displayed throughout the system. If you select the option to display names as PreferredName, LastName, you need to run this housekeeping routine afterward. This tool ensures your employees' full name displays are formatted as PreferredName, LastName.

To use this tool, select the 'Run Now' button for 'Reformat Employee Full Name Display'.

When to Use This Tool

If you have employees who have a preferred name and you'd like to have that name displayed across HR Partner instead of their given first name, you would run this routine after making the changes in Setup > Company Settings > 'Display & Interface' > 'Name Format'.