Your Company Settings

You've taken the first step towards streamlining your HR by subscribing to HR Partner! Now it's time to configure your account to ensure you get the most out of our tailor-made solution.

To get started, head to Setup > Company Info which is where you can edit some of your basic company details and select which parts of the system you would like to turn on.

Subscription Information

Logo to the right of the screen you will see where you have the option to drag and drop your company logo into the system, which will allow you to display it on the header of each page.

Company Name is where you can enter the name that will appear at the top of your page, and in correspondence sent from the system. 

Your HR Partner Subdomain will be prepopulated using the company name you entered when you first subscribed. This field is not editable.

Your Custom Domain is a field available to our VIP customers, and this allows you to change the automatically generated subdomain. You can opt to use this if you want to remove "hrpartner" from your web URL:

Subscribed Until displays the date your current plan will end. Please be aware that this automatically renews on that date.

Max Employees shows you the maximum number of active employees your plan will allow. This does not include terminated employees or applicants within the recruitment module. 


This is where you select the country your company is situated in and the default time zone. This will become the default for any Admin Users you add to the system.

NOTE: Different time zones can be entered for each location you build into the system, and Admin Users are able to edit their own time zones too.

Global Options

Default Department allows you to select the department that all new employees entered into the system will be added to. This can be overridden at any time.

Label for Employee Grouping refers to a third way to group together your employees within the system, this is in addition to Department and Location. Bigger customers may use this to denote team or sub-departments; customers who have gone through a merger or an acquisition might use this field to denote an employee's original company. This particular section of your company setup allows you to name that third layer of employee grouping so that you can correctly capture its purpose within your account, and choose the default for any new employees added to the system. 

Enable Autogenerating Employee Code is useful for customers who do not have an employee coding convention in place. "Employee Code" is a mandatory field within HR Partner which allows the system to differentiate between employees - many of us know two people with the same name after all! 

If you do not have employee codes prior to using HR Partner, you can check this box which will essentially mean that the system automatically creates a new unique employee code for each person you add to the system. You are then able to provide a template for the convention you would like the system to adopt. 

Enable Extended Gender Identities allows you to enter as many gender identities into your account as necessary. Once you have checked this box and hit save, you can add further genders by heading to Setup > Configure > Categories 

Enable inbound email processing for employees and applicants allows people to reply to correspondence sent from the system, while also allowing you to make use of using inbound email as a data entry method. 

Display & Interface

This section allows you to show or hide both your company logo and company name on the header of each page within your account.

Name Format is where you can choose how names are displayed throughout the system. You will notice that you have the ability to use "Preferred Name" rather than "First Name". if you chose this option, you will need to head to Setup > Tools > Advanced and run the option to "Reformat Employee Full Name Display".

NOTE: "Preferred Name" will automatically populate with a person's First Name, but this can be overridden for anybody who wishes to be known as something else.

You then have the option to hide both Age and / or Birth Year on all views, which covers both Admin and Employee Portal views.

The last option of the section allows you to activate the "Advanced Search" bar at the top of the page, meaning you do not have to navigate to and through your employee list to find a specific person.


This allows you to make 2FA compulsory for all Admin Users and / or Employees. if you check these boxes your Admin users / Employees will be forced to set up 2FA the next time they log into the system. 

NOTE: If an Admin User needs to have their 2FA temporarily disabled, they must contact the HR Partner support team to do this for them; if an employee needs to have their 2FA temporarily disabled this can be done by an Admin User. To do this, head to the "ESS Portal" tab within the Edit Employee Details" section of an employee record. here you will see a blue banner informing you that the employee has 2FA turned on, and a button within the banner to "Remove 2FA".

Additional Modules

This is where you can uncheck the box next to any module you do not wish to use. This will remove the module from your menu so that you can keep the interface simple and relevant (you can always add them back later if you decide to use more features). Here you will see that some modules have additional options or add-ons which can be activated and deactivated by checking or unchecking the relevant check box and hitting "Save" at the bottom of the page: