Communicating With Employees

Communicating with your Employees is one of the most important things that you can do.  HR Partner has the capacity for quick and easy bulk messages to be sent out to specific target groups of employees. This article will walk you through the various ways you are able to communicate and message your Employees in HR Partner.

Filtering Your Employees

The fastest way to send a group message to your Employees to to first Filter them. We discussed Filtering Employees here so please take a look at that help article for an in-depth look at Filtering Employees by Department, Status, Tags and more!

Once you've Filtered your Employees, there will be a green  Send Message button in the top right hand corner of the screen. There will be two options when clicking 'Send Message' - the option to send As Email and the option to send As SMS. (Please note, skip down to the bottom of this article to learn more about sending as SMS and what those charges mean to your account!)

Clicking send As Email will open up a pop-up window where you can draft and send an email message to everyone that is filtered in this group. Don't forget to use your Email Templates by clicking Use Template! Using Email Templates will make sending emails easy and quick - especially if there are emails that you send on repeat to your Employees.

Please Note: You may or may not see this button depending on the security settings of your Admin User profile. Your company's primary Admin User - often called a 'Company Owner' - has the ability to prevent other Admins from sending messages if they choose.

Sending An Email

When you choose to send an email, you will see the following screen.

There is no cost for sending emails through the HR Partner system.  Please note that all Employees must have a 'Primary' email address in their records for you to be able to send them an email.  They may have multiple email addresses, but at least one must be marked as 'Primary'.

Did You Know? We have just enhanced this message window to allow you to use predefined message templates to save you more time when sending messages.

Sending An Email to a single employee

You can send a one off email to just one employee by visiting their profile, then clicking on the little arrow next to their email address in the Contact Information section and choose ' Send Email'.

You can also go down to the ' Email Messages' section under the 'Modules' area and send an email from there (or view the history of emails sent and received to/from this employee).

Sending An Email via a News & Polls Update

You also have the option of sending a mass broadcast update via email to ALL of your Employees at once by using the News/Polls section of HR Partner. Log into your Admin User Portal and go to News/Polls on the left side of your screen.

Click on Add A New > News Article (or a Poll, depending on what you want to say to your Employees!) and this will open up the screen where you can draft and send out a News Article to your Employees in their own Employee Portals. More about News Articles here.

Scroll down to the very bottom of the News Article screen and find the section called Broadcast. Checking this box (as shown below) will send out an email update to every Employee once you Save this New Article, in addition to publishing the News Article in the Employee's Portal. Another simple way to communicate with your Employees!

Sending An SMS

When you choose to send an SMS message, you will see the following screen:

Once again, your employees will have to have a primary mobile number in order to be able to be sent a message.

SMS Charges

Unlike email, SMS messages DO cost money to send. The charges vary depending on location and network, but average out to around 6 to 8 US cents per message. When you first signed up for HR Partner, you would have received some free SMS credits that allowed you to send out about 30 messages.  

When those credits run out, you can purchase some more by going to Setup > Account > SMS Credits on the left hand menu. 

Each credit is roughly equivalent to about 30 SMS messages.

Simply pick the number of credits you want to pre purchase to use, and fill in your credit card details.

Tip: You can always see the number of SMS credits that you have in the lower right corner of every HR Partner window.

Note: There are no refunds for unused credits. Purchased credits are valid for 12 months from time of purchase.