Advanced Tools - Clear Pending Leave Requests

HR Partner has housekeeping routines for changes made within the Time Off & Leave feature. These routines can make updates and rectify the system changes you’ve made. Specifically, we have a housekeeping routine that allows Admin Users to clear any pending leave requests stuck in the system.

You can use our housekeeping routines by going to Setup > Tools > Advanced. Then, look for the section with the heading 'Leave Updates'.

Leave Updates Housekeeping Routines Options

Clear Pending Leave Requests

This routine helps clear pending leave requests stuck in the system, meaning you can reset ‘Pending’ leave requests back to 'Submitted' so you can either restart the approval chain or reset it so the employee can delete it on their portal. To do this, choose the ‘See List’ for the 'Clear Pending Leave Requests' option and select the requests that you wish to reset.

When to Use this Tool

If there’s been a change in leave approval rules while there were still unapproved time off requests in the system, chances are there may be some pending leave requests stuck in the system. Sometimes leave requests can get stuck in the system or employees want to delete a leave request but cannot because the request is showing as ‘pending’.