Approving Timesheets

Timesheets can be approved by either an Admin User or by an Employee from their Employee Self Service Portal. Approving Employees (for example Managers or team Leaders) are nominated in each Timesheet Template.

NOTE: As a Timesheet Approver, you may receive an email once a Timesheet has been submitted and is awaiting your approval. Where this is the case, you will find a link within the email that takes you directly to the sequence.

Approving from an Admin Portal

Once you're happy with a timesheet that has been submitted, you will need to approve it. There are two methods to do this which are outlined below:

  1. Head to Timesheets > Sequences > View and check the box beside the timesheets you'd like to approve, then "Set Marked Timesheet to" and then choose "Approved". (This is the fastest way to process multiple timesheets at once.)

  2. Head to Timesheets > Sequences > View then select "Edit" beside one particular timesheet and alter the "Status" on the bottom left:

Approving from an Employee Portal (for non-Admin Users)

Non-Admin Users who have been nominated as Timesheet Approvers will be able to see any timesheets that they are permitted approve under the 'Timesheets' area of their Employee Self Service Portal.

While 'My Timesheets' is where they can enter their own working hours, 'Other Entries' will take them to a screen showing all the timesheets that they can view/approve:

The 'Other Entries' screen is split into two areas with the top section showing employees who report directly into this person, and the bottom showing any other Timesheets they have permission to view/approve:

NOTE: This screen will only show unlocked timesheet sequences, so if there are multiple unlocked sequences for different pay periods for the same employee, they will all show here until locked by an admin.

You can also see in the screenshot above that some Timesheets present a green 'Open' button which means that the manager can approve their timesheets, but others have a 'View' button which means that this person has authority to see the timesheets and make a note, but cannot approve them.

Clicking 'Open' will allow the manager to (1) change the Status to 'Approved' or 'Needs Review', and (2) add any notes if applicable before (3) saving the timesheet.

NOTE: Only managers who can approve timesheets can change the Status drop down, though any manager who can view the timesheet can add notes if required.

Employees will not get an email notification of the change of status unless the timesheet is marked as 'Needs Review'.