Contacts & Addresses

Did you know that in HR Partner your Employees can have an unlimited number of Contacts and Addresses?

Contacts and Addresses are an easy way to keep track of ever-changing information related to your Employees. These fields are also self-reported, meaning an Employee can enter in his or her own information in their Employee Self-Service (ESS) Portal saving your Admin Users valuable time and effort!

Contacts & Addresses in the Admin User Portal View

Contacts & Addresses in the Employee Portal View

Let's take a deeper look at these fields.


These are the contact methods for your Employees, including phone numbers, email addresses, pager numbers, as well as social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

There is technically no limit to the number of contact points that you can enter for each employee, although we recommend you don't enter more than about 4 or 5.

Primary Contacts

When entering Mobile, Email and Twitter accounts, you can nominate that the contact be a Primary Contact.  This means that in other sections of HR Partner, you can send an automatic group message to your employee via their primary contact address. For example, you can send a bulk SMS message to all your employees via their mobile phones that are marked as their primary mobile contact.

Although you have the ability to designate multiple Contacts as a 'Primary' contact, we recommend that you make sure your Employees only choose one primary phone number and one primary email address.

Make Private/Public

Each contact can also be nominated as 'Private' or 'Public'.  'Public' contacts will show up on the Employee Directory on the Employee Portal and on the Admin Portal.  If you don't wish to show your Employees contact point on the directory, then deselect this option to mark it as 'Private'.


As with Contacts, you also have the ability to enter an unlimited number of Addresses for each Employee. Feel free to document addresses for primary residences, shipping, next of kin, delivery, different work sites and so forth, as you need.


Employees have the option to edit their contact and address details on the Employee Portal, if they have access to it. This empowers them to maintain their own contact details without taking up the time of your HR team.