The Dashboard - Your "Helicopter View"

The HR Partner dashboard is like your central control panel to the whole system.  Like an aircraft cockpit, it has been designed to give you a quick overview of your employees and any problem areas that may arise.

The types of information that you can quickly see are as follows.


You can quickly see at a glance who has birthdays coming up in the next 3 weeks, or has had one in the last week.  Click on the employee picture to be taken to their view screen.

Absence Chart

Shows you the number of days in total for each month during the last year that employees have taken time off.

Absent Employees

Employee who are marked as being 'on leave' or have absence dates that encompass today are shown in this section.  Don't forget that there are two tabs that you can switch between.


If you have set any reminders in the system, this area has three tabs that you can choose that will show you:

  • Reminders that are due today.
  • Reminders that are overdue.
  • Reminders that are coming up in the future.

Clicking on any of these reminders will take you to the section that the reminder is relevant for.


Please note that you cannot cancel reminders from here. You must open up each reminder and then edit the record that the reminder is attached to (i.e. an absence, a performance review, am asset on loan etc.) and untick the 'Set Reminder' option.

Absence Calendar

This interactive calendar shows you a month by month view of all employee absences, past, future and planned.  It provides a really handy way to see at a glance how many of your workforce will be away at any time.

Pie Charts

Over on the left are a series of pie charts that show you:

  • The split between male and female employees
  • Employee counts for each employment type (i.e. full time, part time etc.)
  • Employee counts for each department

Hovering your mouse over each pie segment shows you the description and count.  Clicking on the segment will take you to another page showing you the actual employee that belong in that segment.

System Limits

The last couple of charts show you how much of your current HR Partner plan you have used up, in terms of number of employees and disk space used on our servers by your uploads.