Problems Logging In to your Employee Portal?

Sometimes, when you go to log into your Employee Portal, you may see the message that the system does not recognize your email address, or that your email address was not found.

This can be frustrating, so we have some suggestions here to ensure that you are up and running in HR Partner's Employee Self Service Portal as quickly as possible!

Check your Login URL

The first thing to check is your browser's URL bar to ensure that you are logging in to the correct area.  HR Partner actually has TWO separate login areas for the Admin User Portal and the Employee Portal, so it is important to ensure that you are on the correct one.

Every HR Partner company has a unique subdomain address associated with the organization.  The subdomain for your company could be a shortened version of your company name.  So for instance, 'Acme Enterprises' could be hosted at ''.  So you need to ensure that your subdomain is correct, AND you will also need to ensure that you have included the word '/portal' at the end of your company subdomain URL to specifically log into the Employee Portal - i.e.

In the below case, our company is called 'Ariel Air Charters', and the login URL is as shown below:

Note: In some cases, your company's Admins may have set up a special CNAME URL for your HR Partner portal, like  In these cases, you should log in to (just add the /portal to the end of the URL as before). Contact your company's Admin if you have more questions about this.

Check your Login Screen

If you are at the correct URL, then you can do another check to ensure that you are seeing the correct employee self service portal login screen.

Check for:

  1. The word '/portal' in the browser URL bar.
  2. Your company name to be showing at the header of the screen.  Your company logo may also show here, or else you may see the standard HR Partner logo.
  3. The words 'Employee Portal' just below your company name - this is important!

If everything looks OK here, then we will have to ensure that your login information is correct.

Check your Login Information

When an account is created for you for the HR Partner Employee Self Service portal, you will be assigned a Portal Username to use.  This Portal Username can be anything from a combination of your first name and last name, or your birth date, or your payroll employee code - but most commonly, it will be your work email address.

How will you know?  Well, when you are first invited to the Employee Portal, you will get an invitation email similar to this:

This email invitation contains:

  1. Your Portal Username that you will use for logging in.  Don't Forget This - It Is IMPORTANT!
  2. A button to set your initial password.  Make sure you use a password management tool so that you don't forget this in the future.
  3. The link to your employee self service portal should you need it in the future.  TIP: Bookmark this URL for future reference.

Resetting your Username or Password

If for some reason you have misplaced the above invitation email, contact your Admin User that is in charge of your HR Partner platform and ask them to resend over a new invitation email or to confirm your Portal Username. Your company's Admin User can easily access this information by going to their Admin User portal and clicking on the Edit Employee Details section of your Profile in their Admin User Portal.

From here, they can also check whether your portal login is actually enabled, and they can send you another invitation email that you can save as a reminder for how to get on to the portal.  They can also force you to reset your password in case you have forgotten what it was.

Tip: You can also use the 'Forgot Password' link on the employee portal login page to reset your password yourself without having to go to your admin user.

We hope that this will help you to get back on to your Employee Portal and work away in HR Partner!