Creating Library Categories / Subfolders

Organising Your Library Documents

HR Partner offers a document library that allows you to share documents with your employees and store or file them according to category as you would on your own computer. 

Adding Categories

Clicking into your library you should immediately see you have the option to "Add New Category":

After selecting this option you will see that when naming your new category you also have the option to restrict access to that category by department. If you leave the 'Department Access Allowed' field blank, then ALL of your employees can see all documents within this category.  However, if you enter one of more Department names in here, then ONLY those employees in those departments will be able to see these documents.:


You cannot restrict individual documents to certain people. You can only restrict an entire category (and all the documents within it), and can only do this by Department.


You can also add categories while already in a category, effectively creating sub categories and therefore enabling you to mirror the filing system you may have in place outside of HR Partner

Modifying and Deleting Categories

To edit or delete a category you must click on the settings wheel on the bottom right side of the relevant category. Doing this will give you options to open, edit or delete the category.


To delete the category, you must ensure that there are no files in it - i.e. you have to delete all the files in the category first.

Moving Files to Different Categories

You have the option to move files between categories should the need arise. To do this, head to the relevant document and select the settings wheel on the bottom right of the icon. Then hover over the option "Move File To" and your other categories will appear in a list for you to chose from:

Popular Documents

Any documents that you feel may need to be accessed frequently can be marked as popular, which will improve ease of access by pinning them to the home screen of your "Library". To mark a document as popular head to the document and select the settings wheel on the bottom right of the icon, and you'll see the option "Add to Popular":