Understanding the Employee Records Modules

You will notice within the Employee profile screen, there is a menu on the left that shows various modules that you can store data against.

These are the Employee Records Modules and this is where you can store information in an organized and easy-to-find way.

Each module is dedicated to a different area of information and generally speaking, each module looks similar when you select that module to add or edit information. For example, below you can see that the Asset module has a green button towards the right where you can Add a New Asset, and then further down on the right you can see a green circle to Edit and a red circle to Delete.

In this example, the aqua circle represents a "Transfer" and is specific to the Asset module. You can use this button when you want to transfer an Asset from one employee to another without having to re-enter all the corresponding Asset information.

Module Descriptions

The modules are as follows:

Module Description
Internal Employee Notes These are just generic notes that you can store against the employee, that don't fit any of the following categories. You can learn more about Internal Employee Notes here.
Absence/Leave This is where you record any absences against the employee - planned or unplanned.  The information here will go into the leave calendar on the [dashboard](doc:your-helicopter-view)  amongst other places. Leave requests and approvals from the employee portal will also go into this section automatically.
Assets This is where you record company assets that are on loan to the employee (e.g. mobile phones, security cards, vehicles etc.). You can learn more about the Assets module here.
Dependents This is where you can record details on the employees immediate family, such as partners contact information, children names etc.
Prior Education This is where you record where the employee did their education prior to commencing employment with you (e.g. primary and high school, college or tertiary education etc.)
File Attachments This is where you can upload stand alone files against the employee.  Useful for documents such as employment contracts, certificates of achievements, warnings etc. You can learn more about the File Attachments module here.
Grievances This is where you record grievances, complaints and other sensitive information against the employee. You can learn more about the Grievances module here.
Interviews This is where you record any interviews done with the employee, including entrance and exit interviews, and discussions about raises etc.
Position & Salary History This is where you can record a history of where the employee working within the company, as they were promoted through the ranks.
Renewable Documents This is where you record any renewable documents that are relevant to your employees work with you (e.g. passports, special licences, permits, etc.). You can learn more about the Renewable Documents module here.
Skills This is where you can record specific skill sets and ratings for each employee.  Useful for quickly finding employees by skills later on.
Training This is where you record any training that the employee completed while under your employ.  Useful for any first aid training, internal courses and other qualifications relevant to their jobs.
Benefits & Plans This is where you record any specific benefits, plans, or perks each employee has in effect or has had in the past. Useful for keeping track of health, vision, and/or dental plans, or benefits such as bonuses, allowances, gym memberships, or subscriptions. You can learn more about the Benefits module here.


If you do not see all the modules listed above on your screen, it may be because your access rights have been restricted by the site administrator. Please contact them to change your access rights accordingly.


Did you know that as well as the 'File Attachments' module above, you can attach files to ALL the other modules above (except for 'Skills')! When entering any data for any of the modules, there should be an area at the bottom of the screen where you can drag and drop files - so for instance, if you are entering in a sick day for an employee under 'Absences/Leave', you can upload a scanned copy of their medical certificate! (Note: Unless the site administrator has turned off your file upload permissions).